David Copperfield: 7 things you don’t see in adaptations

Just picked up ‘Demon Copperhead’ by Barbara Kingsolver, a reimagining of Dickens’s Copperfield. It rekindled my mixed feelings about Dickens and showcased overlooked characters and neglected plot points from the original. Makes me wonder why adaptations miss them out.

Trapani picture dump

We spent last week in Trapani on the western coast of Sicily. It’s an interesting place; part university town, part beach resort, part marina for passing cruise liners and yachts. Our apartment was close to the docks and the centro storico, so we spent days pottering around medieval streets and taking boats out to islands…


It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve had to jump start my work blog into life because… things and I wondered what had happened to the old family site. My dad passed away in February It was, to coin a phrase, fucking horrible. One minute we were walking home after a lovely pub lunch, and…

The Patient Assassin, by Anita Anand

This is a bit of a cheat because I began the audio book in 2019 and switched to the actual book in 2020. I liked the audio book; Anita Anand is a seasoned broadcaster and her narration was great, but I kept missing nuances that I wanted to revise, which is quite hard in an…

52 books in 52 weeks reboot

I’m trying 52 books in 52 weeks again because I felt bad about abandoning the venture last year. My reasons were sound – I started an Open University post-graduate course in Technology Enhanced Learning and then about six weeks after that I landed a new job, so my brain was too fried with learning theory…